In this section we present how to specify protocol properties
as trace and observational equivalence properties, based on the
action facts given in the model. Trace properties are given as
guarded first-order logic formulas and observational equivalence
properties are specified using the diff
both of which we will see in detail below.
The Tamarin multiset rewriting rules define a labeled transition system. The system’s state is a multiset (bag) of facts and the initial system state is the empty multiset. The rules define how the system can make a transition to a new state. The types of facts and their use are described in Section Rules. Here we focus on the action facts, which are used to reason about a protocol’s behaviour.
A rule can be applied to a state if it can be instantiated such that its left hand side is contained in the current state. In this case, the left-hand side facts are removed from the state, and replaced by the instantiated right hand side. The application of the rule is recorded in the trace by appending the instantiated action facts to the trace.
For instance, consider the following fictitious rule
rule fictitious:
[ Pre(x), Fr(~n) ]
--[ Act1(~n), Act2(x) ]-->
[ Out(<x,~n>) ]
The rule rewrites the system state by consuming the facts
and Fr(~n)
and producing the fact
. The rule is labeled with the
actions Act1(~n)
and Act2(x)
. The rule
can be applied if there are two facts Pre
in the system state whose arguments are matched by
the variables x
and ~n
. In the
application of this rule, ~n
and x
instantiated with the matched values and the state transition is
labeled with the instantiations of Act1(~n)
. The two instantiations are considered to
have occurred at the same timepoint.
A trace property is a set of traces. We define a set of traces in Tamarin using first-order logic formulas over action facts and timepoints. More precisely, Tamarin’s property specification language is a guarded fragment of a many-sorted first-order logic with a sort for timepoints. This logic supports quantification over both messages and timepoints.
The syntax for specifying security properties is defined as follows:
for universal quantification, temporal
variables are prefixed with #
for existential quantification, temporal
variables are prefixed with #
for implication
for conjunction
for disjunction
for negation
f @ i
for action constraints, the sort prefix
for the temporal variable ‘i’ is optional
i < j
for temporal ordering, the sort
prefix for the temporal variables ‘i’ and ‘j’ is optional
#i = #j
for an equality between temporal
variables ‘i’ and ‘j’
x = y
for an equality between message
variables ‘x’ and ‘y’
as syntactic sugar for
instantiating a predicate Pred for the terms t1
All action fact symbols may be used in formulas. The terms (as arguments of those action facts) are more limited. Terms are only allowed to be built from quantified variables, public constants (names delimited using single-quotes), and free function symbols including pairing. This excludes function symbols that appear in any of the equations. Moreover, all variables must be guarded. If they are not guarded, Tamarin will produce an error.
Predicates are defined using the predicates
construct, and substituted while parsing trace properties, whether
they are part of lemmas, restrictions or embedded
builtins: multiset
predicates: Smaller(x,y) <=> Ex z. x + z = y
lemma one_smaller_two:
"All x y #i. B(x,y)@i ==> Smaller(x,y)"
To ensure guardedness, for universally quantified variables, one has to check that they all occur in an action constraint right after the quantifier and that the outermost logical operator inside the quantifier is an implication. For existentially quantified variables, one has to check that they all occur in an action constraint right after the quantifier and that the outermost logical operator inside the quantifier is a conjunction. We do recommend to use parentheses, when in doubt about the precedence of logical connectives, but we follow the standard precedence. Negation binds tightest, then conjunction, then disjunction and then implication.
To specify a property about a protocol to be verified, we use
the keyword lemma
followed by a name for the property
and a guarded first-order formula. This expresses that the
property must hold for all traces of the protocol. For instance,
to express the property that the fresh value ~n
distinct in all applications of the fictitious rule (or rather, if
an action with the same fresh value appears twice, it actually is
the same instance, identified by the timepoint), we write
lemma distinct_nonces:
"All n #i #j. Act1(n)@i & Act1(n)@j ==> #i=#j"
or equivalently
lemma distinct_nonces:
"All n #i #j. Act1(n)@i & Act1(n)@j ==> #i=#j"
We can also express that there exists a trace for which the
property holds. We do this by adding the keyword
after the name and before the property.
For instance, the following lemma is true if and only if the
preceding lemma is false:
lemma distinct_nonces:
"not All n #i #j. Act1(n)@i & Act1(n)@j ==> #i=#j"
In this section we briefly explain how you can express standard secrecy properties in Tamarin and give a short example. See Protocol and Standard Security Property Specification Templates for an in-depth discussion.
Tamarin’s built-in message deduction rule
rule isend:
[ !KU(x) ]
--[ K(x) ]-->
[ In(x) ]
allows us to reason about the Dolev-Yao adversary’s knowledge.
To specify the property that a message x
is secret,
we propose to label a suitable protocol rule with a
action. We then specify a secrecy lemma that
states whenever the Secret(x)
action occurs at
timepoint i
, the adversary does not know
lemma secrecy:
"All x #i.
Secret(x) @i ==> not (Ex #j. K(x)@j)"
Example. The following Tamarin theory
specifies a simple one-message protocol. Agent A
sends a message encrypted with agent B
’s public key
to B
. Both agents claim secrecy of a message, but
only agent A
’s claim is true. To distinguish between
the two claims we add the action facts Role('A')
(respectively Role('B')
) to the rule modeling role
(respectively to the rule for role B
We then specify two secrecy lemmas, one for each role.
theory secrecy_asym_enc
builtins: asymmetric-encryption
/* We formalize the following protocol:
1. A -> B: {A,na}pk(B)
// Public key infrastructure
rule Register_pk:
[ Fr(~ltkX) ]
[ !Ltk($X, ~ltkX)
, !Pk($X, pk(~ltkX))
, Out(pk(~ltkX))
// Compromising an agent's long-term key
rule Reveal_ltk:
[ !Ltk($X, ltkX) ] --[ Reveal($X) ]-> [ Out(ltkX) ]
// Role A sends first message
rule A_1_send:
[ Fr(~na)
, !Ltk($A, ltkA)
, !Pk($B, pkB)
--[ Send($A, aenc(<$A, ~na>, pkB))
, Secret(~na), Honest($A), Honest($B), Role('A')
[ St_A_1($A, ltkA, pkB, $B, ~na)
, Out(aenc(<$A, ~na>, pkB))
// Role B receives first message
rule B_1_receive:
[ !Ltk($B, ltkB)
, In(aenc(<$A, na>,pk(ltkB)))
--[ Recv($B, aenc(<$A, na>, pk(ltkB)))
, Secret(na), Honest($B), Honest($A), Role('B')
[ St_B_1($B, ltkB, $A, na)
lemma executable:
"Ex A B m #i #j. Send(A,m)@i & Recv(B,m) @j"
lemma secret_A:
"All n #i. Secret(n) @i & Role('A') @i ==> (not (Ex #j. K(n)@j)) | (Ex B #j. Reveal(B)@j & Honest(B)@i)"
lemma secret_B:
"All n #i. Secret(n) @i & Role('B') @i ==> (not (Ex #j. K(n)@j)) | (Ex B #j. Reveal(B)@j & Honest(B)@i)"
In the above example the lemma secret_A
holds as
the initiator generated the fresh value, while the responder has
no guarantees, i.e., lemma secret_B
yields an
In this section we show how to specify a simple message authentication property. For specifications of the properties in Lowe’s hierarchy of authentication specifications (Lowe 1997) see the Section Protocol and Standard Security Property Specification Templates.
We specify the following message authentication
property: If an agent a
believes that a message
was sent by an agent b
, then
was indeed sent by b
. To specify
’s belief we label an appropriate rule in
’s role specification with the action
. The following lemma defines the set
of traces that satisfy the message authentication property.
lemma message_authentication:
"All b m #j. Authentic(b,m) @j ==> Ex #i. Send(b,m) @i &i<j"
A simple message authentication example is the following
one-message protocol. Agent A
sends a signed message
to agent B
. We model the signature using asymmetric
encryption. A better model is shown in the section on
theory auth_signing_simple
builtins: asymmetric-encryption
/* We formalize the following protocol:
1. A -> B: {A,na}sk(A)
// Public key infrastructure
rule Register_pk:
[ Fr(~ltkX) ]
[ !Ltk($X, ~ltkX)
, !Pk($X, pk(~ltkX))
, Out(pk(~ltkX))
// Role A sends first message
rule A_1_send:
[ Fr(~na)
, !Ltk($A, ltkA)
--[ Send($A, <$A, ~na>)
[ St_A_1($A, ltkA, ~na)
, Out(aenc(<$A, ~na>,ltkA))
// Role B receives first message
rule B_1_receive:
[ !Pk($A, pk(skA))
, In(aenc(<$A, na>,skA))
--[ Recv($B, <$A, na>)
, Authentic($A,<$A, na>), Honest($B), Honest($A)
[ St_B_1($B, pk(skA), $A, <$A, na>)
lemma executable:
"Ex A B m #i #j. Send(A,m)@i & Recv(B,m) @j"
lemma message_authentication:
"All b m #i. Authentic(b,m) @i
==> (Ex #j. Send(b,m) @j & j<i)"
All the previous properties are trace properties, i.e., properties that are defined on each trace independently. For example, the definition of secrecy required that there is no trace where the adversary could compute the secret without having corrupted the agent.
In contrast, Observational Equivalence properties reason about two systems (for example two instances of a protocol), by showing that an intruder cannot distinguish these two systems. This can be used to express privacy-type properties, or cryptographic indistinguishability properties.
For example, a simple definition of privacy for voting requires
that an adversary cannot distinguish two instances of a voting
protocol where two voters swap votes. That is, in the first
instance, voter A
votes for candidate a
and voter B
votes for b
, and in the
second instance voter A
votes for candidate
and voter B
votes for a
If the intruder cannot tell both instances apart, he does not know
which voter votes for which candidate, even though he might learn
the result, i.e., that there is one vote for a and one for b.
Tamarin can prove such properties for two systems that only
differ in terms using the diff( , )
Consider the following toy example, where one creates a public
key, two fresh values ~a
and ~b
, and
publishes ~a
. Then one encrypts either
or ~b
(modeled using the
operator) and sends out the ciphertext:
// Generate a public key and output it
// Choose two fresh values and reveal one of it
// Encrypt either the first or the second fresh value
rule Example:
[ Fr(~ltk)
, Fr(~a)
, Fr(~b) ]
--[ Secret( ~b ) ]->
[ Out( pk(~ltk) )
, Out( ~a )
, Out( aenc( diff(~a,~b), pk(~ltk) ) )
In this example, the intruder cannot compute ~b
formalized by the following lemma:
lemma B_is_secret:
" /* The intruder cannot know ~b: */
All B #i. (
/* ~b is claimed secret implies */
Secret(B) @ #i ==>
/* the adversary does not know '~b' */
not( Ex #j. K(B) @ #j )
However, he can know whether in the last message
or ~b
was encrypted by simply taking
the output ~a
, encrypting it with the public key and
comparing it to the published ciphertext. This is captured using
observational equivalence.
To see how this works, we need to start Tamarin in
observational equivalence mode by adding a --diff
the command:
tamarin-prover interactive --diff ObservationalEquivalenceExample.spthy
Now point your browser to http://localhost:3001. After clicking on the
theory ObservationalEquivalenceExample
, you should
see the following.
There are multiple differences to the ‘normal’ trace mode.
First, there is a new option Diff Rules
, which
will simply present the rewrite rules from the .spthy
file. (See image below.)
Second, all the other points (Message Theory, Multiset Rewrite
Rules, Raw/Refined Sources) have been quadruplicated. The reason
for this is that any input file with the diff
operator actually specifies two models: one model where each
instance of diff(x,y)
is replaced with x
(the left hand side, or LHS for short), and one model
where each instance of diff(x,y)
is replaced with
(the right hand side, or RHS for short).
Moreover, as the observational equivalence mode requires different
precomputations, each of the two models is treated twice. For
example, the point RHS: Raw sources [Diff]
gives the
raw sources for the RHS interpretation of the model in
observational equivalence mode, whereas
LHS: Raw sources
gives the raw sources for the LHS
interpretation of the model in the ‘trace’ mode.
Third, all lemmas have been duplicated: the lemma
exists once on the left hand side (marked
using [left]
) and once on the right hand side (marked
using [right]
), as both models can differ and thus
the lemma needs to be proven on both sides.
Finally, there is a new lemma
, added automatically by
Tamarin (so no need to define it in the .spthy
file). By proving this lemma we can prove observational
equivalence between the LHS and RHS models.
In the Diff Rules
, we have the rules as written in
the input file:
If we click on LHS: Multiset rewriting rules
, we
get the LHS interpretation of the rules (here
diff(~a, ~b)
was replaced by ~a
If we click on RHS: Multiset rewriting rules
, we
get the RHS interpretation of the rules (here
diff(~a, ~b)
was replaced by ~b
We can easily prove the B_is_secret
lemma on both
To start proving observational equivalence, we only have the
proof step 1. rule-equivalence
. This generates
multiple subcases:
Essentially, there is a subcase per protocol rule, and there
are also cases for several adversary rules. The idea of the proof
is to show that whenever a rule can be executed on either the LHS
or RHS, it can also be executed on the other side. Thus, no matter
what the adversary does, he will always see ‘equivalent’
executions. To prove this, Tamarin computes for each rule all
possible executions on both sides, and verifies whether an
‘equivalent’ execution exists on the other side. If we continue
our proof by clicking on backward-search
, Tamarin
generates two sub-cases, one for each side. For each side, Tamarin
will continue by constructing all possible executions of this
During this search, Tamarin can encounter executions that can be ‘mirrored’ on the other side, for example the following execution where the published key is successfully compared to itself:
Or, Tamarin can encounter executions that do not map to the
other side. For example the following execution on the LHS that
encrypts ~a
using the public key and successfully
compares the result to the published ciphertext, is not possible
on the RHS (as there the ciphertext contains ~b
Such an execution corresponds to a potential attack, and thus
invalidates the “Observational_equivalence” lemma.
Note that Tamarin needs to potentially consider numerous possible executions, which can result in long proof times or even non-termination. If possible it tries not to resolve parts of the execution that are irrelevant, but this is not always sufficient.
Restrictions restrict the set of traces to be considered in the
protocol analysis. They can be used for purposes ranging from
modeling branching behavior of protocols to the verification of
signatures. We give a brief example of the latter. Consider the
simple message authentication protocol, where an agent
sends a signed message to an agent B
We use Tamarin’s built-in equational theory
for signing.
// Role A sends first message
rule A_1_send:
let m = <A, ~na>
[ Fr(~na)
, !Ltk(A, ltkA)
, !Pk(B, pkB)
--[ Send(A, m)
[ St_A_1(A, ltkA, pkB, B, ~na)
, Out(<m,sign(m,ltkA)>)
// Role B receives first message
rule B_1_receive:
[ !Ltk(B, ltkB)
, !Pk(A, pkA)
, In(<m,sig>)
--[ Recv(B, m)
, Eq(verify(sig,m,pkA),true)
, Authentic(A,m), Honest(B), Honest(A)
[ St_B_1(B, ltkB, pkA, A, m)
In the above protocol, agent B
verifies the
signature sig
on the received message m
We model this by considering only those traces of the protocol in
which the application of the verify
function to the
received message equals the constant true
. To this
end, we specify the equality restriction
restriction Equality:
"All x y #i. Eq(x,y) @i ==> x = y"
The full protocol theory is given below.
theory auth_signing
builtins: signing
/* We formalize the following protocol:
1. A -> B: {A,na}sk(A)
using Tamarin's builtin signing and verification functions.
// Public key infrastructure
rule Register_pk:
[ Fr(~ltkA) ]
[ !Ltk($A, ~ltkA)
, !Pk($A, pk(~ltkA))
, Out(pk(~ltkA))
// Compromising an agent's long-term key
rule Reveal_ltk:
[ !Ltk(A, ltkA) ] --[ Reveal(A) ]-> [ Out(ltkA) ]
// Role A sends first message
rule A_1_send:
let m = <A, ~na>
[ Fr(~na)
, !Ltk(A, ltkA)
, !Pk(B, pkB)
--[ Send(A, m)
[ St_A_1(A, ltkA, pkB, B, ~na)
, Out(<m,sign(m,ltkA)>)
// Role B receives first message
rule B_1_receive:
[ !Ltk(B, ltkB)
, !Pk(A, pkA)
, In(<m,sig>)
--[ Recv(B, m)
, Eq(verify(sig,m,pkA),true)
, Authentic(A,m), Honest(B), Honest(A)
[ St_B_1(B, ltkB, pkA, A, m)
restriction Equality:
"All x y #i. Eq(x,y) @i ==> x = y"
lemma executable:
"Ex A B m #i #j. Send(A,m)@i & Recv(B,m) @j"
lemma message_authentication:
"All b m #i. Authentic(b,m) @i
==> (Ex #j. Send(b,m) @j & j<i)
| (Ex B #r. Reveal(B)@r & Honest(B) @i & r < i)"
Note that restrictions can also be used to verify observational equivalence properties. As there are no user-specifiable lemmas for observational equivalence, restrictions can be used to remove state space, which essentially removes degenerate cases.
Here is a list of common restrictions. Do note that you need to add the appropriate action facts to your rules for these restrictions to have impact.
First, let us show a restriction forcing an action (with a particular value) to be unique:
restriction unique:
"All x #i #j. UniqueFact(x) @#i & UniqueFact(x) @#j ==> #i = #j"
We call the action UniqueFact
and give it one
argument. If it appears on the trace twice, it actually is only
once, as the two time points are identified.
Next, let us consider an equality restriction. This is useful if you do not want to use pattern-matching explicitly, but maybe want to ensure that the decryption of an encrypted value is the original value, assuming correct keys. The restriction looks like this:
restriction Equality:
"All x y #i. Eq(x,y) @#i ==> x = y"
which means that all instances of the Eq
action on
the trace have the same value as both its arguments.
Now, let us consider an inequality restriction, which ensures
that the two arguments of Neq
are different:
restriction Inequality:
"All x #i. Neq(x,x) @ #i ==> F"
This is very useful to ensure that certain arguments are different.
If you have a rule that should only be executed once, put
as an action fact for that rule and add
this restriction:
restriction OnlyOnce:
"All #i #j. OnlyOnce()@#i & OnlyOnce()@#j ==> #i = #j"
Then that rule can only be executed once. Note that if you have multiple rules that all have this action fact, at most one of them can be executed a single time.
A similar construction can be used to limit multiple
occurrences of an action for specific instantiations of variables,
by adding these as arguments to the action. For example, one could
put OnlyOnceV('Initiator')
in a rule creating an
initiator process, and OnlyOnceV('Responder')
in the
rule for the responder. If used with the following restriction,
this would then yield the expected result of at most one initiator
and at most one responder:
restriction OnlyOnceV:
"All #i #j x. OnlyOnceV(x)@#i & OnlyOnceV(x)@#j ==> #i = #j"
If we use the natural-numbers
built-in we can
construct numbers as “%1 %+ … %+ %1”, and have a restriction
enforcing that one number is less than another, say
restriction LessThan:
"All x y #i. LessThan(x,y)@#i ==> x ⊏ y"
You would then add the LessThan
action fact to a
rule where you want to enforce that a counter has strictly
Similarly you can use a GreaterThan
where we want
to be strictly larger than y
restriction GreaterThan:
"All x y #i. GreaterThan(x,y)@#i ==> y ⊏ x"
Restrictions can be embedded into rules. This is syntactic sugar:
rule X:
[ left-facts] --[_restrict(formula)]-> [right-facts]
translates to
rule X:
[ left-facts] --[ NewActionFact(fv) ]-> [right-facts]
restriction Xrestriction:
"All fv #NOW. NewActionFact(fv)@NOW ==> formula
where fv
are the free variables in
appropriatly renamed.
Note that form can refer to the timepoint #NOW, which will be bound to the time-point of the current instantiation of this rule. Consider the following example:
builtins: natural-numbers
predicates: Smaller(x,y) <=> x ⊏ y
, Equal(x,y) <=> x = y
, Added(x,y) <=> Ex #a. A(x,y)@a & #a < #NOW
rule A:
[In(x), In(y)] --[ _restrict(Smaller(x,y)), A(x,y), B(%1,%1 %+ %1)]-> [ X('A')]
rule B:
[In(x), In(y)] --[ _restrict(Added(x,y))]-> []
lemma one_smaller_two:
"All x y #i. B(x,y)@i ==> Smaller(x,y)"
lemma unequal:
"All x y #i. A(x,y)@i ==> not (Equal(x,y))"
Tamarin supports a number of annotations to its lemmas, which change their meaning. Any combination of them is allowed. We explain them in this section. The usage is that any annotation goes into square brackets after the lemma name, i.e., for a lemma called “Name” and the added annotations “Annotation1” and “Annotation2”, this looks like so:
lemma Name [Annotation1,Annotation2]:
To declare a lemma as a source lemma, we use the annotation
lemma example [sources]:
This means a number of things:
Raw sources
.Refined sources
, which are used for verification of
all non-sources
lemmas.Source lemmas are necessary whenever the analysis reports
partial deconstructions left
in the
Raw sources
. See section on Open chains for
details on this.
All sources
lemmas are used only for the case
distinctions and do not benefit from other lemmas being marked as
As you have seen before, the first choice in any proof is
whether to use simplification (the default) or induction. If you
know that a lemma will require induction, you just annotate it
with use_induction
, which will make it use induction
instead of simplification.
A lemma marked reuse
will be used in the proofs of
all lemmas syntactically following it (except sources
lemmas as above). This includes other reuse
that can transitively depend on each other.
Note that reuse
lemmas are ignored in the proof of
the equivalence lemma.
A lemma marked diff_reuse
will be used in the
proof of the observational equivalence lemma.
Note that diff_reuse
lemmas are not reused for
trace lemmas.
It can sometimes be helpful to have lemmas that are used only
for the proofs of other lemmas. For example, assume 3 lemmas,
called A
, B
, and C
. They
appear in that order, and A
and B
marked reuse. Then, during the proof of C
and B
are reused, but sometimes you
might only want to use B
, but the proof of
needs A
. The solution then is to hide
the lemma A
in C
lemma A [reuse]:
lemma B [reuse]:
lemma C [hide_lemma=A]:
This way, C
uses B
which in turn uses
, but C
does not use A
In the observational equivalence mode you have two protocols,
the left instantiation of the diff-terms and their right
instantiation. If you want to consider a lemma only on the left or
right instantiation you annotate it with left
respectively right
. If you annotate a lemma with
then both lemmas get generated, just as
if you did not annotate it with either of left
In this section we provide templates for specifying protocols and standard security properties in a unified manner.
A protocol specifies two or more roles. For each role we
specify an initialization rule that generates a fresh run
identifier id
(to distinguish parallel protocol runs
of an agent) and sets up an agent’s initial knowledge including
long term keys, private keys, shared keys, and other agent’s
public keys. We label such a rule with the action fact
, where A
is the agent name
(a public constant) and id
the run identifier and the
action fact Role('A')
, where 'A'
is a
public constant string. An example of this is the following
initialization rule:
// Initialize Role A
rule Init_A:
[ Fr(~id)
, !Ltk(A, ltkA)
, !Pk(B, pkB)
--[ Create(A, ~id), Role('A') ]->
[ St_A_1(A, ~id, ltkA, pkB, B)
The pre-distributed key infrastructure is modeled with a
dedicated rule that may be accompanied by a key compromise rule.
The latter is to model compromised agents and is labeled with a
action fact, where A
is the
public constant denoting the compromised agent. For instance, a
public key infrastructure is modeled with the following two
// Public key infrastructure
rule Register_pk:
[ Fr(~ltkA) ]
[ !Ltk($A, ~ltkA)
, !Pk($A, pk(~ltkA))
, Out(pk(~ltkA))
rule Reveal_ltk:
[ !Ltk(A, ltkA) ] --[ Reveal(A) ]-> [ Out(ltkA) ]
We use the Secret(x)
action fact to indicate that
the message x
is supposed to be secret. The simple
secrecy property
"All x #i. Secret(x) @i ==> not (Ex #j. K(x)@j)"
may not be satisfiable when agents’ keys are compromised. We call
an agent whose keys are not compromised an honest agent.
We indicate assumptions on honest agents by labeling the same rule
that the Secret
action fact appears in with an
action fact, where B
is the
agent name that is assumed to be honest. For instance, in the
following rule the agent in role 'A'
is sending a
message, where the nonce ~na
is supposed to be secret
assuming that both agents A
and B
// Role A sends first message
rule A_1_send:
[ St_A_1(A, ~id, ltkA, pkB, B)
, Fr(~na)
--[ Send(A, aenc{A, ~na}pkB)
, Secret(~na), Honest(A), Honest(B), Role('A')
[ St_A_2(A, ~id, ltkA, pkB, B, ~na)
, Out(aenc{A, ~na}pkB)
We then specify the property that a message x
secret as long as agents assumed to be honest have not been
compromised as follows
lemma secrecy:
"All x #i.
Secret(x) @i ==>
not (Ex #j. K(x)@j)
| (Ex B #r. Reveal(B)@r & Honest(B) @i)"
The lemma states that whenever a secret action
occurs at timepoint i
, the
adversary does not know x
or an agent claimed to be
honest at time point i
has been compromised at a
timepoint r
A stronger secrecy property is perfect forward
secrecy. It requires that messages labeled with a
action before a compromise remain secret.
lemma secrecy_PFS:
"All x #i.
Secret(x) @i ==>
not (Ex #j. K(x)@j)
| (Ex B #r. Reveal(B)@r & Honest(B) @i & r < i)"
Example. The following Tamarin theory
specifies a simple one-message protocol. Agent A
sends a message encrypted with agent B
’s public key
to B
. Both agents claim secrecy of a message, but
only agent A
’s claim is true. To distinguish between
the two claims we add the action facts Role('A')
for role A
and B
respectively and specify two secrecy lemmas, one for each
The perfect forward secrecy claim does not hold for agent
. We show this by negating the perfect forward
secrecy property and stating an exists-trace lemma.
theory secrecy_template
builtins: asymmetric-encryption
/* We formalize the following protocol:
1. A -> B: {A,na}pk(B)
// Public key infrastructure
rule Register_pk:
[ Fr(~ltkA) ]
[ !Ltk($A, ~ltkA)
, !Pk($A, pk(~ltkA))
, Out(pk(~ltkA))
rule Reveal_ltk:
[ !Ltk(A, ltkA) ] --[ Reveal(A) ]-> [ Out(ltkA) ]
// Initialize Role A
rule Init_A:
[ Fr(~id)
, !Ltk(A, ltkA)
, !Pk(B, pkB)
--[ Create(A, ~id), Role('A') ]->
[ St_A_1(A, ~id, ltkA, pkB, B)
// Initialize Role B
rule Init_B:
[ Fr(~id)
, !Ltk(B, ltkB)
, !Pk(A, pkA)
--[ Create(B, ~id), Role('B') ]->
[ St_B_1(B, ~id, ltkB, pkA, A)
// Role A sends first message
rule A_1_send:
[ St_A_1(A, ~id, ltkA, pkB, B)
, Fr(~na)
--[ Send(A, aenc{A, ~na}pkB)
, Secret(~na), Honest(A), Honest(B), Role('A')
[ St_A_2(A, ~id, ltkA, pkB, B, ~na)
, Out(aenc{A, ~na}pkB)
// Role B receives first message
rule B_1_receive:
[ St_B_1(B, ~id, ltkB, pkA, A)
, In(aenc{A, na}pkB)
--[ Recv(B, aenc{A, na}pkB)
, Secret(na), Honest(B), Honest(A), Role('B')
[ St_B_2(B, ~id, ltkB, pkA, A, na)
lemma executable:
"Ex A B m #i #j. Send(A,m)@i & Recv(B,m) @j"
lemma secret_A:
"All n #i. Secret(n) @i & Role('A') @i ==>
(not (Ex #j. K(n)@j)) | (Ex X #j. Reveal(X)@j & Honest(X)@i)"
lemma secret_B:
"All n #i. Secret(n) @i & Role('B') @i ==>
(not (Ex #j. K(n)@j)) | (Ex X #j. Reveal(X)@j & Honest(X)@i)"
lemma secrecy_PFS_A:
"not All x #i.
Secret(x) @i & Role('A') @i ==>
not (Ex #j. K(x)@j)
| (Ex B #r. Reveal(B)@r & Honest(B) @i & r < i)"
In this section we show how to formalize the entity authentication properties of Lowe’s hierarchy of authentication specifications (Lowe 1997) for two-party protocols.
All the properties defined below concern the authentication of
an agent in role 'B'
to an agent in role
. To analyze a protocol with respect to these
properties we label an appropriate rule in role A
with a Commit(a,b,<'A','B',t>)
action and in
role B
with the
action. Here
and b
are the agent names (public
constants) of roles A
and B
respectively and t
is a term.
A protocol guarantees to an agent a
in role
aliveness of another agent b
if, whenever a
completes a run of the protocol,
apparently with b
in role B
, then
has previously been running the protocol.
lemma aliveness:
"All a b t #i.
==> (Ex id #j. Create(b,id) @ j)
| (Ex C #r. Reveal(C) @ r & Honest(C) @ i)"
A protocol guarantees to an agent a
in role
weak agreement with another agent
if, whenever agent a
completes a run
of the protocol, apparently with b
in role
, then b
has previously been running
the protocol, apparently with a
lemma weak_agreement:
"All a b t1 #i.
Commit(a,b,t1) @i
==> (Ex t2 #j. Running(b,a,t2) @j)
| (Ex C #r. Reveal(C) @ r & Honest(C) @ i)"
A protocol guarantees to an agent a
in role
non-injective agreement with an agent
in role B
on a message t
if, whenever a
completes a run of the protocol,
apparently with b
in role B
, then
has previously been running the protocol,
apparently with a
, and b
was acting in
role B
in his run, and the two principals agreed on
the message t
lemma noninjective_agreement:
"All a b t #i.
Commit(a,b,t) @i
==> (Ex #j. Running(b,a,t) @j)
| (Ex C #r. Reveal(C) @ r & Honest(C) @ i)"
We next show the lemma to analyze injective agreement.
A protocol guarantees to an agent a
in role
injective agreement with an agent b
role B
on a message t
if, whenever
completes a run of the protocol, apparently with
in role B
, then b
previously been running the protocol, apparently with
, and b
was acting in role
in his run, and the two principals agreed on the
message t
. Additionally, there is a unique matching
partner instance for each completed run of an agent, i.e., for
each Commit
by an agent there is a unique
by the supposed partner.
lemma injectiveagreement:
"All A B t #i.
Commit(A,B,t) @i
==> (Ex #j. Running(B,A,t) @j
& j < i
& not (Ex A2 B2 #i2. Commit(A2,B2,t) @i2
& not (#i2 = #i)))
| (Ex C #r. Reveal(C)@r & Honest(C) @i)"
The idea behind injective agreement is to prevent replay
attacks. Therefore, new freshness will have to be involved in each
run, meaning the term t
must contain such a fresh